Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sea Olympics!

I'm so proud and excited. Out of the 10 "seas" (including the Nomer Sea, aka No Mercy), we were in the top two and as one of the smallest seas, the underdog.
Opening Ceremonies were at 1 and we all met in the Union to do our sea-chants we’d come up with the night before. We chanted "Purple is the way to be, we are the Aegean Sea!" a lot. We also sang/rewrote A-G-N-C (Aegean Sea) to the tune of YMCA (Baltic, there’s no need to feel down! I said Bering, get yourself off the ground… ). The “Nomer Sea” consits of all the staff, faculty and lifelong learners (i.e. the Archbishop). In the past, they’ve been called the Geriatric Sea, the Agin’ Sea and other such elderly-referencing titles. We all made jokes about how ooooold they are all day, even though all the kids were on that team including 6-month old Griffin.
At 2, Desmond Tutu announced “Let the games begin!” and that’s exactly what they did. I ran upstairs to meet my teammates for the hula-hoop contest. I placed third, and another girl on my team placed first so she went to the finals and won! Synchronized swimming was HILARIOUS. A lot of guys had on bikinis, which was so funny and some groups actually had pretty good (and extremely silly) routines. Some of the groups used “Me No Speak Americano” as their music, which is great because it’s a song we all love to jump around to in port so everyone had fun with that. We placed 2nd there.
THEN I did “Sustainable Sculpting” which was sculpting from trash (beer cans, straws, toothpicks, cereal boxes.. etc.). We were the only group to make a statue of Desmond Tutu, but still didn’t place. I’ll post a picture later, it was so cute! And we deserved recognition for it. Grrr.. After that was the orange pass (under our chins) which was so much fun. We didn’t place there which was so frustrating because we should have and the judges were obviously looking the other way. When they realized their error as other teams began to defend our case, they bumped us up to being tied for first with Caribbean who we were neck-and-neck with all day. Until that happened though... I got pretty worked up. Our lipsyncing skit far surpassed the rest, as did our spirit. The top 3 lipsync groups are performing again at the logistical pre-port tonight and Alexa is in it!
We bonded so much as a deck/sea today which is great because now I feel like I actually know the people on my floor and am friendly with them, rather than just recognizing them in the hallways. It reminded me a bit of Greek life – you have friends on all decks in all seas, but always have your home base to go to, which is so neat and a lucky feeling to have.
Anyway, they announced the winners at the end and of course, we came in 2nd behind Caribbean. But that’s okay, because we still had a fantastic day and I think the point is more to bring the ship community together than to see who can pick up an ice-cube with chopsticks most efficiently.
I guess that’s all for now. I’m in a stellar mood. Heading to dinner (again..) after I finish up my film paper in a few minutes. Can’t wait for India, which will be off the bow in about 13 hours. Wow!

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