Good Morning Voyagers!
These are the words we hear over the speakers on a daily basis as we approach the middle of the day. There is always an update of how fast we are moving, how far we have to go, how much water we have used per person (in order to be aware of conservation) and listing any special events or seminars going on that day.
I have been attending nightly seminars on Spain that discuss culture, history and most importantly of all dining! It sounds like the Spanish eat all day, all the time – I am honestly looking forward to this aspect of Spain the most and plan to photograph every meal I eat before it ends up in my belly.
Finally falling into a routine here on the ship; going to class in the morning followed by some exercise and reading up on the top deck for class while laying out. Or, waking up to lay out and read, followed by class and working out. These are pretty much the only things there are to do around here. Dinner is between 5:30-7:30 daily, and seminars are at 8. Everyone ends up on one of the top two decks playing cards or board games or just chatting and enjoying each others’ company. I was expecting all sorts of cultures in each country I plan to visit, but was not expecting such a thriving and diverse culture here on our own ship. I have met people from all over the world (including my roommate from Germany!) with beautiful accents and have been pleasantly surprised.
Tomorrow I start teaching photography to kids ages 2-5. They are working on different in-port and inter-port projects, and I can’t wait to start spending time with the kids and having some structure to my A-Day afternoons.
The ship is starting to develop little cliques, but even still – we are all on the same page, and a stranger can sit down anywhere and continue to feel comfortable and welcomed. It is definitely nice to feel that you have your “go-to” people and I am glad this happened so quickly. Also, I have already filled two journals and need to buy a new one in Spain!
This morning we went by the Azores, a small group of islands about 930 miles west of Lisbon. This means we are getting VERY close and this is very exciting. The island we passed is beautiful and freckled with white towns and villages – I just wonder how they get internet! There were crashing waves along the cliffs and lush forests in the mountainous center – definitely a place I’d like to go check out one day in the far future.
Anyway – time to get my day going. Lots of reading to do for class and to get fully prepared for my time in España!
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